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Presbyterian College


Athletics Presbyterian College Athletics

Templeton Physical Education Center

Ross E. Templeton Physical Education Center

Templeton Physical Education Center The center bears the name of the late Ross E. Templeton '24, distinguished alumnus and business leader of Charlotte and Clinton, who was a life-long devotee of PC sports.  Completed in 1975, the facility serves as both a sports and academic center.  The Furman Pinson Arena seats more than 2,000 spectators.  In 2000 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Staton provided a new floor for the facility.  Ample classrooms,  multi-purpose space, and equipment serve the physical education instruction program.  Donors to the facility's construction include:

Thomas E. Addison    

J. Austin Dilbeck            

S. Banks Hayes, Jr.

Clinton Mills       

General Electric Corp.   

Furman B. Pinson, Jr. George H. Cornelson   

Ansel B. Godfrey       

Dr. Marc C. Weersing

Adjoining Templeton Center is the Johnson-Callaway Center, an 11,500-square-foot addition containing men's and women's locker rooms and 10 coaches' offices. Located directly behind this facility is the Kemper D. Lake M.D. Sports Medicine Center. 

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